Click on the toys to clean them up,

Don't ley the baby eat the toy!

Survive 30 second!

*you also can click the baby to stop baby movement.


Technical Details

Lecture Details

This game features a baby character whose AI is controlled by a state machine with 4 distinct states.  Searching/Moving/Attacking/Paused.

  • Searching mode the baby will searching the toy.
  • Moving mode is when baby find the toy and moving toward the toy.
  • Attacking mode is when baby reach the toy and destroy the toy (Which will decrease baby health)
  • Paused mode is when player click on the baby, this action will stop baby movement for a bit.

Gameplay video

Design Details


I tested the baby’s movement speed and toy spawning. Currently, I think the game’s pacing feels pretty good.


I added a sound effect when the baby eats a toy. This action also affects the baby’s health.


I struggled with the UI layer when switching scenes. Initially, the background was on the UI layer, which caused it to block everything. I fixed this by setting its layer to -2.

Published 2 days ago
Made withUnity


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rest in power to my baby